I installed it and briefly used it. It seems to work well. Of course someone
we need to get someone to use it in actual work to see if there are
underlying glitches. But at first try it seemed quite nice. I"ll start to
use it for what work I do, but once you send it to the list, we can have
Tibetans use it - they will quickly find any problems (they always do).
One thing I'm curious about - why do you need Chris's keyboard to run it?
I'm curious about the technical reason. More importantly, this does raise
some problems. In China advocating the use of a "dzongkha" keyboard raises
warning flags, and beyond the political issue, tibetans aren't too happy
about using something with a bhutanese name for their own language. I know
this is incredibly petty, but they are real issues. Is there some way around